OLED/TFT Color DevKit ESP32 Watch Development Board

SKU: GP-1561754


Color1 #1 / Color1 #2 /

OLED/TFT Color DevKit ESP32 Watch Development Board

What is it
It is a ESP32 Watch development board. There are two versions:OLED version and TFT color version. Both version share the same bottom board.
Why did you make it
This product was planned at the same time of deauther wristband. I learned a lot of experience from deauther wristband and I knew ESP32 is a better choice for a ‘Watch’.
The break ou pads are also designed to connect different sensors.
TX/RX could be used to communicate with computer or other control board.
17/16 is IIC port could be connected with RTC module or other IIC sensors.
SVP/SVN could input ADC signals.
25/26 could output DAC signals.
What makes it special
Small size:3.8×4.5cm
Double 4 layer board
600mAh battery inside
On/OFF Power Switch
OLED version:1.3OLED SH1106(SDA-17,SCL-16)
TFT color version:ST7789 240*240 LCD(SDA-17,SCL-16,DC-22,RES-23)
WS2812b RGB LED-33
Navigation Button(Up-19,Center-18,Down-5)
OLED version external slide button(22,23)
Highlight LED(27)
Indicate charging LED(On means Charging,OFF means Full)
Reset and Flash Button at Bottom board
Break ou GPIOs(TX,RX,17,16,SVP,SVN,25,26,GND,3V)
SD Card support
1.Install the environment for ESP32
2.Install OLED library
Install TFT LCD library
3.Install Adafruit NeoPixel Library
4.Code Example for oled version
Code Example for TFT color version
Upload config
Package Included
1 x DSTIKE ESP32 Watch DevKit

Additional information

Weight 0.055 kg