DSTIKE WiFi Deauther Watch| Smart Watch/NodeMCU /ESP8266 Programmable Development Board-Black

SKU: GP-1741849


DSTIKE WiFi Deauther Watch| Smart Watch/NodeMCU /ESP8266 Programmable Development Board-Black

What is it
1. Deauther Watch is still an ESP8266 development board, but you can wear it like a smartwatch.
2. This ESP8266 development board comes with a 600mAh battery, OLED display and a 3-way momentary slide switch.
3. It comes installed with the latest ESP8266 Deauther software. With this software, you can perform different attacks to test WiFi networks.
Please note that the ESP8266 does only support 2.4GHz. For more details on the software, visithere.
You can also use it to develop your own software. It is simple to use, just like any other ESP8266 development board.
GPIOs and hardware info
Display:SH1106 1.3′ OLED
Display SDA:GPIO 5 (D1)
Display SCL/SCK:GPIO 4 (D2)
WS2812b LED:GPIO 15 (D8)
Button Up:GPIO 12
Button Down:GPIO 13
Button Select:GPIO 14
High Light LED:GPIO 16
Side Button:GPIO0,GPIO2,RST
Why did you make it
I designed this development board especially for Spacehuhn’s great project:ESP8266 Deauther.
What makes it special
Only 80mA power usage
Up to around 7 hours work time
200 mA charging current
Indicate charging LED (Red means charging, off means full)
Included 8dB antenna and 2dB antenna
Power Switch (Strongly recommend turn it off when charging)
Protection:short, overcharging, over discharging, temperature
You can use it with the display and buttons.
You can also connect to ‘pwned’ with the password ‘deauther’ and use the web interface.
If you lost the password you can reset it.
Use it only for testing and educational purposes against your own devices! I don’t take responsibility for what you do with it.
Please check the legal regulations for your country to make sure you don’t violate any laws.
Specs and Docs
CP2102 Driver Download.
Source Code
Design Files
Package Included
1 x DSTIKE Black Deauther Watch ESP8266 Development Board

Additional information

Weight 0.088 kg