0.56 inch LED Display Tube 4-Digit 7-segments Module RobotDyn for Arduino – products that work with official Arduino boards

SKU: GP-1128919


Color. Red / Color. Yellow / Color. Green /

0.56 inch LED Display Tube 4-Digit 7-segments Module RobotDyn for Arduino – products that work with official Arduino boards

This is a basic, 4-digit 7-segment display module
The display features double points in midle.
The decimal point per digit not active.
Module connecting to digital I/O on 2 pins.
For use library:TM1637.h
Color:Green, Red, Yellow (Optional)
Package includes
1 x LED Display Tube Module
Clock example example (Extended class example)
Display a clock on the display. For this demo you can add a speed multiplier to make the clock run faster. For a real clock you want to use a delay of 1 min or even use a Real Time Clock module (RTC)
The circuit
* connect TM1637 pin CLK to pin D4
* connect TM1637 pin DIO to pin D5
* connect TM1637 pin Vcc to pin 5V
* connect TM1637 pin GND to pin GND
// include the SevenSegmentTM1637 library
include inchSevenSegmentTM1637.hinch
include inchSevenSegmentExtended.hinch
initialize global TM1637 Display object
* The constructor takes two arguments, the number of the clock pin and the digital output pin
* SevenSegmentTM1637(byte pinCLK, byte pinDIO);
const byte PIN_CLK = 4; // define CLK pin (any digital pin) const byte PIN_DIO = 5; // define DIO pin (any digital pin)
SevenSegmentExtended display(PIN_CLK, PIN_DIO);
const unsigned int clockSpeed = 10000; // speed up clock for demo
// run setup code
void setup() ;
// run loop (forever)
void loop() ;
minutes = 0; // reset minutes
include inchTM1637.hinch; // include the TM1637 library
TM1637 display(2, 3); // initialize the library for pins 2, 3
void setup()
void loop()

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg