8pcs USB To UART TTL Extension Cable Module 4 Pin 4P Serial Adapter Download Cable Module for Raspberry Pi 3Generation

SKU: GP-1585579


8pcs USB To UART TTL Extension Cable Module 4 Pin 4P Serial Adapter Download Cable Module for Raspberry Pi 3Generation

This serial cable is designed for the Raspberry Pi (rpi) an ultra low cost Linux based miniaturized computer. Can also be used as a universal serial cable for various applications requiring USB TO TTL communication
The entire data line USB TO TTL 3.3 V) protocol is an electronic circuit injection molded USB terminal.
ON Board FTDI chip configurable internal EEPROM. The high output driver option allows the I/O pin driver to be up to three times the standard signal driver level. The transmitted signal can be configured to separate the EEPROM separately.
TTL level:3V3
Baud rate:300-115200
Package Included
8 x Raspberry Pi 3 USB To UART TTL Extension Cable

Additional information

Weight 0.24 kg