10pcs ESP-12F AC/DC Power Supply ESP8266 AC90-250V/DC7-12V/USB5V WIFI Single Relay Module Development Board

SKU: GP-1660483


10pcs ESP-12F AC/DC Power Supply ESP8266 AC90-250V/DC7-12V/USB5V WIFI Single Relay Module Development Board

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1. On-board mature and stable -12F WIFI module, large capacity 4M Byte Flash
2. The I / O port and UART program download port of the WiFi module are all exported, which is convenient for secondary development.
3. On-board AC-DC switching power supply module, power supply mode supports AC90-250V / DC7-12V / USB5V
4. On-board WIFI module RST reset button
5. -12F supports the use of development tools such as Eclipse / for Arduino IDE, and provides reference programs under the for Arduino development environment.
6. One 5V relay on board, output switching signal, suitable for controlling load with working voltage within AC250V / DC30V
7. Onboard power indicator, 1 programmable LED and relay indicator
1. L, N:AC90-250V power supply
2. AC90-250V to DC5V switching power supply (Do not touch here directly with your hand when using AC power supply !!!)
3. VCC, GND:DC7-12V power supply;
4. USB:DC5V USB power supply;
Note:AC90-250V, DC7-12V, DC5VUSB can be selected as one of the three power supply methods.
5. 6X6mm button:8266 reset button;
6. UART program download port:GND, RX, TX, 5V of 8266 are connected to GND, TX, RX, 5V of the external TTL serial module rectively. IO0 must be connected to GND when downloading, and then disconnected connection;
7. GPIO pin out port;
8. Relay output
Normally closed end, the relay is short-circuited to COM before pull-in, and suspended after pull-in;
COM:public end;
NO:Normally open, the relay is suspended before the pull-in, and shorted to COM after the pull-in.
9. Power indication LED;
10. Programmable LED;
11. Relay Indication LED:Lights up during pull-in.
Introduction to GPIO terminal
1:GND:Power ground:13:IO10:GPIO10
2:Relay:The relay drive port is driven by IO5 by default. If you want to use other I / O to drive the relay, you can remove R14, and then connect the I / 0 of the drive relay to this Relay pin:14:MISO:Slave output input
4:IO4:GPIO4:16:IO14:GPI014; HSPI_CLK
5:RX:UART0_RXD; GPIO3:17:ADC:A / D conversion result. Input voltage 0 ~ 1V, value:0 ~ 1024
6:3V3:3.3V power supply:18:3V3:3.3V power supply
7:SCLK:clock:19:MOSI:output Slave input
9:IO0:GPIO0:21:CS0:Chip Select
10:IO5:GPIO5:22:IO12:GPIO12; HSPI_MIS0
12:5V:5V power supply:24:GND:Power ground
Package includes
10 x Development Board

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg