LILYGO TTGO T5 V2.4 ESP32 2.9 inch Electronic Yellow Black and White ink e-Paper Screen Module with Speaker

SKU: GP-1739773


LILYGO TTGO T5 V2.4 ESP32 2.9 inch Electronic Yellow Black and White ink e-Paper Screen Module with Speaker

Support for GDEH029A1 / SSD1608 based ePaper modules in 4-wire SPI mode. Support for other controllers will be added later emulated 4-bit gray scale mode
SPI displays oriented SPI driver library based on spi-master driver
Combined DMA SPI transfer mode and direct SPI for maximal speed
4-bit Grayscale mode or 1-bit b/w mode can be selected during runtime
SPI speeds up to 20 MHz are tested and works without problems
Demo application included which demonstrates most of the library features
Graphics drawing functions
EPD_drawPixel Draw pixel at given x,y coordinates
EPD_drawLine Draw line between two points
EPD_drawFastVLine, EPD_drawFastHLine Draw vertical or horizontal line of given lenght
EPD_drawLineByAngle Draw line on screen from (x,y) point at given angle
EPD_drawRect, EPD_fillRect Draw rectangle on screen or fill given rectangular screen region with color
EPD_drawRoundRect, EPD_fillRoundRect Draw rectangle on screen or fill given rectangular screen region with color with rounded corners
EPD_drawCircle, EPD_fillCircle Draw or fill circle on screen
EPD_drawEllipse, EPD_fillEllipse Draw or fill ellipse on screen
EPD_drawTriangel, EPD_fillTriangle Draw or fill triangle on screen
EPD_drawArc Draw circle arc on screen, from ~ to given angles, with given thickness. Can be outlined with different color
EPD_drawPolygon Draw poligon on screen with given number of sides (3~60). Can be outlined with different color and rotated by given angle.
fixed width and proportional fonts are supported; 8 fonts embeded
unlimited number of fonts from file
7-segment vector font with variable width/height is included (only numbers and few characters)
Proportional fonts can be used in fixed width mode.
Related functions
EPD_setFont Set current font from one of embeded fonts or font file
EPD_getfontsize Returns current font height & width in pixels.
EPD_getfontheight Returns current font height in pixels.
set_7seg_font_atrib Set atributes for 7 segment vector font
getFontCharacters Get all font’s characters to buffer
String write function
EPD_print Write text to display.
Strings can be printed at any angle. Rotation of the displayed text depends on font_ratate variable (0~360)
if font_transparent variable is set to 1, no background pixels will be printed
If the text does not fit the screen/window width it will be clipped ( if text_wrap=0 ), or continued on next line ( if text_wrap=1 )
Two special characters are allowed in strings:r CR (0x0D), clears the display to EOL, n LF (ox0A), continues to the new line, x=0
Special values can be entered for X position
CENTER centers the text
RIGHT right justifies the text horizontaly
LASTX continues from last X position; offset can be used:LASTX+n
Special values can be entered for Y
CENTER centers the text verticaly
BOTTOM bottom justifies the text
LASTY continues from last Y position; offset can be used:LASTY+n
EPD_getStringWidth Returns the string width in pixels based on current font characteristics. Useful for positioning strings on the screen.
EPD_clearStringRect Fills the rectangle occupied by string with current background color
EPD_jpg_image Decodes and displays JPG images
Baseline only. Progressive and Lossless JPEG format are not supported.
Image size:Up to 65520 x 65520 pixels
Color space:YCbCr three components only. Gray scale image is not supported.
Sampling factor:4:4:4, 4:2:2 or 4:2:0.
Can display the image from file or memory buffer
Image can be scaled by factor 0 ~ 3 (1/1, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8)
Image is displayed from X,Y position on screen/window
X:image left position; constants CENTER & RIGHT can be used; negative value is accepted
Y:image top position; constants CENTER & BOTTOM can be used; negative value is accepted
Image is converted to 4-bit Gray Scale mode
Other display functions
EPD_fillScreen Fill the whole screen with black, white or gray scale
compile_font_file Function which compiles font c source file to font file which can be used in EPD_setFont() function to select external font. Created file have the same name as source file and extension .fnt
Package includes
1 x T5 V2.4 ESP32 2.9 Inch screen

Additional information

Weight 0.027 kg